SSCOR DuCanto Catheter® Videos


SSCOR DuCanto Catheter™ Maximized!
Pairing the SSCOR DuCanto Catheter® with a large bore 9/32” I.D. connecting tube, enables the material that enters the catheter to leave it and travel to the canister.  Don’t create a bottle neck with a tube smaller than the SSCOR DuCanto Catheter!

SSCOR DuCanto Catheter and SALAD Technique (Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination) as demonstrated by Dr. James DuCanto.


Designed to fit the oropharyngeal anatomy.

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SCOR DuCanto Catheter and the SALAD Technique
, Dual Screen, as demonstrated by Dr. James DuCanto.