SSCOR QUICKDRAW® - Alkaline Battery Powered

Canister Features

Quickdraw - Hand Held EMS Suction Unit



Hose - Barbed Canister (2488)


quickdraw-with-arrow-connection-2The barbed Quickdraw canister allows the device to be used like a “traditional” suction device. The Quickdraw is placed by the patient and the patient tubing and suction catheter are connected to the barbed fitting on the canister. Disposable, one time use.

quickdraw-with-arrow-cap-2The Quickdraw canister features a 2 position regulator. When capped, the Quickdraw delivers over 500mmHg negative pressure. When the regulator vent is opened, the negative pressure is reduced to approximately 80-100mmHg allowing the device to be used for tracheal and pediatric suction procedures.

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The first medical aspirator to be powered
by alkaline battery technology.

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