SSCOR QUICKDRAW® Alkaline Powered Olive DrabPowerful Suction for the Field.

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Canister & Battery Options

Canisters for the tactical Quickdraw Olive Drab are drainable for use in situations where supplies are scarce.

Hose - Barbed Canister:
The barbed Quickdraw canister allows the device to be used like a “traditional” suction device. The Quickdraw is placed by the patient and the patient tubing and suction catheter are connected to the barbed fitting on the canister.
The Quickdraw canister features a 2 position regulator.  When capped, the Quickdraw delivers over 500mmHg negative pressure.  When the regulator vent is opened, the negative pressure is reduced to approximately 80-100mmHg allowing the device to be used for tracheal and pediatric suction procedures.

AAA Battery Holder
The AAA battery holder accepts ten (10) standard off-the-shelf AAA alkaline batteries and at full capacity will power the Quickdraw for 60-100 minutes. After the batteries have been discharged, they can be easily replaced with 10 new off-the-shelf AAA alkaline batteries for another 60-100 minutes of power. The AAA battery holder will also accept 10 NiMH batteries and at full capacity will power the Quickdraw for 60-100 minutes.
Alkaline Battery Pack
Alkaline Battery Pack
The alkaline battery pack will run the Quickdraw for 3 hours

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